Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Having casual does not define who your moral intergrity?

How many of you agrees: (1)having casual or one night stands is simply a bodily need sometimes.(2)having casual and one night stands does not mean you are a player, it is mutual agreement and simply a human need.(3)Girls having causal or one night stand is not degrading as long as she is not doing it for attention but for her hormonal demand.(4) is just to some people when they are not in any sorta relationship but still wants to experience normal human behaviors.(5)you are or still can be a model citizen and do good deeds and casual sex or one night stands does not define your morals, ethics and personality. ...........it is simply a bodily need and part of life and please, if you do have casual sex, don't lie, don't cheat and use protections.

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