Monday, November 14, 2011

I need some help decoding my guy friend's real feelings

Tell him you want him to the same playful and touchy-feely kind of guy. You as a woman need that. You are a physical person. What would you do to give him a "push" into a "serious" relationship. Maybe it's time to c**p or get off the pot. He is a material kind of guy. He wants to show you his love by things. He care for you more than himself. He cave you the shirt off his back and his favourite jewelryso there is deep trust there.. He enjoys your company and it's making his ual feelings flcker. Time to get the gasoline out. Find out if he's gay. Next time you are alone...take your top off or go braless and see what he does. IF e still wont make a move then I would be wondering if you're wasting time here. As far as the hug? YOU be the one to give him a kiss. Judge that kiss. Was it pionate? Loveless? Just a peck? Did he want more? He could be unsure of himself. Time to dig deeper. Time to go to the next level....not just talk about something about it. You seem to both want it. Soooooooo. Good luck.

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