Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Im young and just starting weight loss, I need alot of help?

What i do is jog/ walk at a stead pace for about a half hour then i sprint until i cant run anymore. running at the end is good to get your heart rate up if you can increase you heart rate for 20 minutes a day it will boost your metabolism for up to 6 hours allowing you to burn calories at a higher rate, so workoing out in the monring is ideal. Do not lower your calories just lower your fat intake for now because it would be a good idea to weight lift and build a bit of muslce. muscles constantly burn fat just being there even while your sleeping so muscling up is a great step to losing fat. I also suggest take any type of protein supplements there cheap 25 dollers for 2 lbs on average and protein helps to build muscle and lose fat when your working out. Goodluck !

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