Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mum's always undermining my judgment as a parent... How do i put a stop to it?

Okay, Im 21, I have a 2yr old. I''ve only began living with my mother since i've had the baby. I haven't lived with her since i was 15. I've been with my grandparent. I can reason with my grandparents. My younger siblings undermine my judgments cause my mother undermines my judgments. She's impossible to reason with, the second I point out one of her parenting flaws or tell her to let me do my things as a parent I get the im under her roof speech. For 21 I have little freedom, I understand that its my child and no one is obligated to watch her, but if i decide that im taking a trip out of the country with my child it's a huge problem. I didn't even feed like i wanted to cause my mother found a problem with the way i fed. If i discipline my child by putting her in timeout, or ignoring her tantrums, My mom deems me an abusive parent. If i try to have a relationship, Im deemed a slut or or some other obscenity. Everything I do as a parent is abuse. I give my child a bedtime and try enforce it, im a horrible parent. I don't go out, I don't have fun, i turn to alcohol in whatever free time i have to unwind. Nothing seems enjoyable anymore. Everything is a task. Every time i save up money to move out, Some emergency takes place and im set back another 6 months. I feel like im slowly losing control. Am I overreacting? Is this really what parenting is?

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