Saturday, November 5, 2011

Question(s) about accommodation ownership?... (And a bit of a sob story, lol)?

wow, it sure sounds like you've been put through the wringer this season! I don't know if it's legal or not, but you're 16, and since your folks really don't seem to know what to do with you, I'd have to say that you should at least try to get out from under their messed up thumbs. You sound like you have a few clues in your head, and I'm sure you know that your education is very important, but your sanity is more important right now! Don;t let either of them fill your head with bitter tales of 'he said-she said', it's all crap. Do what you have to do to keep your head on straight! Can you call social services or even a school counsellor to help you with some available services? You are going to need an advocate for your side through all this! Good luck, and take care of you!

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