Sunday, November 6, 2011

What the hell was that dream(nightmare)..what was that supposed to mean?

wow that was a cool dream. i once dreamed i was running up a mountain dodging lighting bolts and monsters of all sorts. i think i was some-sort of a god or something in my dream. i got so scared i woke up in a cold sweat looked outside and there was a huge lighting storm. weird to say the least. but in the long run it didn't mean anything as far as i know just a weird dream. i used to take a pretty powerful prescription drug for a back injury that is noted to give you very vivid dreams. so i can tell you i had my share of freakish dreams. now i refuse to take that medicine much to my doctors disapproval. i rather have a sore back than wrestle with evil spirits while i sleep. but with that being said dreams in my opinion are just dreams. i have heard of people that have dreams then they come true and if you ever had day va Ju (sorry don't know how to spell that word but i am sure you know what i mean by it) then you may have experienced one. i think you just had a weird dream that's all. thank you for sharing your dream it was definitely a weird one that's for sure.

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