Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why isn't my fish filter working?

you need to prime it first so it will have the gravity necessary to pull the water. just get a gl of water and fill it up and then plug it in.that should do it.also keep the prop clean so it doesnt burn up. good luck and happy fishing!!

Is What my Friend doing wrong for her age?

My Friend is 16 years old and is sucking on a pacifier. Her mother was neglectful of her needs when she was a newborn, and she was placed in foster care. She spent 10 years jumping from home to home before returning to her original house. She pretty much runs the family. Her father died when she was a newborn and her mother is kind of hapless and needy. I think she sucks on a pacifier to live some of the life she was never able to experience as a child. Do you think this is appropriate?

Having casual does not define who your moral intergrity?

How many of you agrees: (1)having casual or one night stands is simply a bodily need sometimes.(2)having casual and one night stands does not mean you are a player, it is mutual agreement and simply a human need.(3)Girls having causal or one night stand is not degrading as long as she is not doing it for attention but for her hormonal demand.(4) is just to some people when they are not in any sorta relationship but still wants to experience normal human behaviors.(5)you are or still can be a model citizen and do good deeds and casual sex or one night stands does not define your morals, ethics and personality. ...........it is simply a bodily need and part of life and please, if you do have casual sex, don't lie, don't cheat and use protections.

Abut this boy i just now got off the phone with.....?

Ok i just called him for the first time but I called him and he as very quiet,he didnt tlak alot anyways i was trying to keep the conversation up by asking him about what likes to do he just gives little answers uhmm its hard for me to talk to him how can i keep this conversation up the next time i talk to him i asked him how he felt right now and he said akward..?i know its because he's nervous but what shoud i say to him or what are some lines?

AM i INSane? PLEASE ANSWER, MAture people only!! BEst answer gets 10 points!!?

Since 5th grade (I am in 11th grade now) I have had a very powerful imagination but the problem is it has become almost uncontrollable. Since the 10th grade i have been unconsciously falling into deep & powerful day dreams that my body would (unawaringly to me) twitch or suddenly move in response to the stimulation in my head. My imagination had me dreaming all types of different worlds & creating storylines. The pro of this was evident in my school work; i was able to come up with intelligent answers & construct captivating essays. Kids in my cl have noticed the blank look on my face during lessons & the unusual body jerking. Resulting in me being watched by a number of wary kids during cles & others calling me a "freak" behind my back. Can some1 please tell me whats wrong with me or direct me to a forum that specializes in disorders? I'm left handed, good at drawing & love trance music as i find it euphoric. This fantasy world iv create is addictive. Am i crazy or is this norm?

The AGP is _____ independent of the PCI?

It would have to be d. A PCI slot and AGP slot are not the same. Different logic is used for them. AGP is really a fast point to point connection for only the graphics card with PCI is a bus that many peripherals can use. They should also use different electrical systems because their voltages are different.

Who shall I start for week 2?

LT is officially out for week 2 and Pierre Thomas is hurt. I would go with Rice and Cadillac. Cadillac has picked up some speed that is the news. I would go with Schaub because bolden and Breston are hurt and that means Larry Fitz will be double teamed. Hope that helped.

MCR FANS (and anyone else who cares): Watch this video?

that wuz hilarious! 2nd best youtube video ive ever seen. #1 is scarlet takes a tumble. u have 2 look it up!

30 weeks pregnant and have a tightening feeling around my belly?

If its tightening throughout your abdomen then it might be contractions but if its just in one area its probably just the baby stretching out.. my baby does it all the time :) im 30 weeks and 6 days.

What martial art style should i take

I have been practicing the martial arts pretty much my whole life and i have done basic katate to shotokon and i have practiced kickboxing and wing chung and i am currantly practiceing combat and goshin jujitsu and i really love it but i want to learn a much more in depth "the art of the samurai warrior" and i want to get in a more orthadox style and a more pure one. Dont get me wrong like i said i LOVE goshin and combat jujitsu but i want to go more spiritual and more authentic but have the same affect. so my qeustion would be where should a take my next step ???

One question every atheist should ask?

Socks are very moody,constantly fighting.Luckily,they don't hold a grudge.Many people fail to realize this and throw the remaining combative sock away,ruining any chance for a reunion.I have found if you simply ignore their frequent breakups,and put the lone sock back through the wash,eventually they reconcile

How can I stop hyperhidrosis?

Go to a dermatologist. Well I have hyperhidrosis more on my hands but yes I have it on my feet and underarms a bit. I'm a girl so It's extremely embarring but I got this thing Drysol..It's aluminum chloride and depending how much you sweat the higher the percentage of it. Its suppose to clog your pores or something. Sorry for being too informal, look it up online I think you will find more info on this product.

Is one quart of Arnold Palmer's Half Iced Tea and Lemonade bad for you a day?

I eat all my fruits and veggies, got a six pack, excercise daily (a lot), but i just love this drink. it would be 34.5 fl. oz exactly. 76 grams of sugar.

Why does my ex-girlfriend still wear the promise ring I gave her even if we are broken up?

Ok so me and my girlfriend were together for about 4 years (we recently broke up)... We are still cool (i still have feelings) but she says she is over me and she doesnt feel the same for me anymore now.. Yet she still wears the promise ring I gave her? It's not like its a 3k ring it was only like $300 and I bought it for her in high school... hmmmm?

Do anybody know tat te Confederate Flag is about te Sanit andrews Cross>?

I just wish everyone would quit saying that the rebel flag is racist. It represents southern heritage.

Kangaroo's and the Flood?

And Polar Bears? Good question. I'm sure, however, that it will be simply and illogically answered by any Christian with a third grade education.

Yahoo p� Svenska?

Undrar om det finns m�jlighet att f�r en novis f� Yahoo �versatt till Svenska? Eller kanske det redan finns?

Which books are suited for me?

I would say maybe any books by Dan Brown - he is a really good writer who does misteries and criminals

First time apartment advice?

Ok-- in about 1 year (summer of 09) I'll be moving to Wilmington, NC (about 4-5 hrs from where I currently live). This will be my first ever apartment and the first time being completely by myself (I still live with my mom and dad). Basically, I need any advice you can give, from moving out, to finding apartments, to what what to do when I actually find an apartment. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also-- what's the deal with co-signers? Do you always need one for your first apartment? I'm 19 and I'll be 20 by the time I move out. I'm currently a nursing student and will have a job lined up before I even think about moving out. Will I still need a co-singer?

This is a really gross ques just wondering why im getting so freckin horny please explain?

oh and when i get horny there is more ual fluids then usuall sorry for the info overload but just curious if this is the norm 3 months pregnant

Question about Diabetes while Pregnant?

I am a little overweight and I failed my one hour and ped my 3. It is extremely common to fail the one hour and p the 3.

I am a Guyanese and need a visa to attend an international meeting in Spain for 3 days?

What kind of Visa will I need to apply for? There is no Spanish Emby in Guyana and the cost of airfare from Guyana to Venezuela to apply for a visa there through the Spanish Emby in Caracas is prohibitive. I will be ping through the UK en-route to Spain. Can I apply for and secure a Spanish tourist visa in a day or two from the Spanish emby in London and then travel on to Spain to attend the Conference?

How do you make Gai Lan in oyster sauce?

I bought some sauce, but it's way thicker then what it comes in from take away. it the sauce just one of several ingredients?

Where to go from here with him ? , tough situation .?

I think you should do exactly what you think you should do...which is just kiss him already. It's obvious that you both like each other...and someone has to make the 1st move. I don't think it will complicate his life, I think it might give him some comfort and something else to keep his mind on instead of his mother's cancer. Good luck. I hope this helps.

How do I go back to my old version of yahoo 0.7?

If you wish to return to IE7 go to My Computer - Help - Help and Support Centre - Pick a Task - Undo changes to my computer with System Restore, click and follow the instructions picking a date prior to your upgrade.

How to let my best guy friend now i like him (10 points)?

Hold his hand when you two walk around together, call his number a few times a week to check on him, give him a nice smile when you look at him. Hug him a lot. Maybe if you blush when you're in front of him, looking at him. And it's ok to date your friend. My boyfriend was originally my friend. We were friends for almost 3 years before we dated. Now we feel like a couple lol well we are ;) Don't be afraid to admit to him that you like him. And don't be afraid to ask him out on a date afterwards. I was the one who told my boyfriend I liked him. I think some guys are just too shy lol.

Do I need to pound/flatten boneless skinless chicken thighs for baking?

No, you dont. Usually, you only pound or flatten when you are making something that requires a big thin piece of poultry, like cordon bleu or chicken kiev.


anyone know where i can get the skittles edition dunks? they're definately sold out in stores, all i can find online is a size 6.5 which is NOT what i need.

Please help thanks?

As for the copying part, it is debatable, but usually accepted. The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) has a clause that says you can make copies of software you have a license to, but in other parts it seems to contradict itself. You will be fine if you make a copy, especially just for preservation.

Shakespeare - twelfth night quote?

I think it's am "aside." Not addressed to anyone particular. She has been mistaken for her brother whom she believes dead. Now she has begun to think that Sebastian is alive and in Illyria.

Have you heard of this fantasy book?

I'm looking for a book, but I can only remember a little bit about it. The main character was a girl, a major supporting character was a wizard, and there were spectres. I remember the spectres could take the form of humans, but you could tell the difference between humans and spectres because spectres didn't leave footprints. There was one scene in which the main female character thought the wizard was a spectre because he didn't leave footprints, but come to find out, he just "cheated" by hovering a little bit above the ground when he walks. Does anyone know what this book is?

I want to buy an mp3 player and am looking to get either a Zune or Ipod video... which one?

I'm going to use it solely for the purpose of watching videos, so most of my friends say zune would be better. But the only backside is that i have a lot of videos on itunes. Is there a way I could get it on the Zune? Someone said you can save them as a file and upload them on the Zune software, can you do this?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Muslims in the US: Do you think I have the right to mock the Prophet Muhammad and not be punished?

Actually, an infidel dog like you is not allowed to write His name either. Since we are in US, we are not allowed to make you suffer the proper punishment, so we will stone your car and burn/delete all your instead.

Why do evangelicals in Africa torture and execute children for being witches?

we would hope that they would have stopped that by now... when are these christians going to get the message that they worship evil....

Can green spotted puffers eat malaysian trumpet snails?

Smaller Puffers, like Dwarves, will have trouble with MTS, but for Green Spots, it won't be a problem. These are much larger and much stronger than some of the smaller problem-fish, and will make a quick snack out of the snails, despite their hard shells. Don't worry about any beak damage. Malaysian Trumpet Snails also do excellently in brackish conditions, so that won't be a concern either.

Why is it mandatory to follow the sunnah?

I'm just curious since the Quran is complete, does it really need the sunnah? Could we call someone an unbeliever if they believed in the Qu'ran but not sunnah and if it is mandatory for us to follow the sunnah why didn't God promise to guard the sunnah against fabrication. I mean seriously theres like 300,000 sunnahs, telling you how to live your life to every little detail. Why would God leave out information in the Qu'ran, and put it in a source that is capable of being distorted. Also one time I remember seeing a sunnah inwhich the prophet knew who would go to heaven but God said know one knows who will go to heaven but him. I'm not saying the sunnah should not be followed, I'm not to say what is right or wrong but there are so many of them.... Will God be angry with you if you don't follow all of them?

Has there ever been a president?

who was clean through, and through. I mean, every one of them has had their faults, right. Clinton (women), Nixon (watergate), Bush (everything) etc. What do you think Obama's will be

If an asteroid was ping and it hit the moon, would it have major consequences for us?

because as u know the moon controls the tides and other stuff i think, and i was wondering if that would have major consequences.


1.all of these 2.yes3.false4.false5.codis6.false7.tv remote8.false9.to uncover latents 10.#2 11.#3 12.#1 13.#3 14.#2 15.#2 16.#3 17.#@ 18.#2 19.#2 20.#!

I need some help decoding my guy friend's real feelings

Tell him you want him to the same playful and touchy-feely kind of guy. You as a woman need that. You are a physical person. What would you do to give him a "push" into a "serious" relationship. Maybe it's time to c**p or get off the pot. He is a material kind of guy. He wants to show you his love by things. He care for you more than himself. He cave you the shirt off his back and his favourite jewelryso there is deep trust there.. He enjoys your company and it's making his ual feelings flcker. Time to get the gasoline out. Find out if he's gay. Next time you are alone...take your top off or go braless and see what he does. IF e still wont make a move then I would be wondering if you're wasting time here. As far as the hug? YOU be the one to give him a kiss. Judge that kiss. Was it pionate? Loveless? Just a peck? Did he want more? He could be unsure of himself. Time to dig deeper. Time to go to the next level....not just talk about it....do something about it. You seem to both want it. Soooooooo. Good luck.

What cities in mexico have large lebanese populations?

The most important lebanese population is on M�xico City downtown. The most commercial activity belongs to lebaneses.

Mixed Martial Arts Fighting?

Training is only half of the equation. The other half is what you are bringing to the training. If you were to train for 6 years, then you should be able to fight in whatever arena you choose.

Is it just me or is this VAT cut pointless?

Yes,you are right it is pointless, around 2 . odd pence in the pound is not going to make a big difference,I think like you companies will add it to their profit margins, yet again the rich get richer!

Do any Americans call their backside their bum?

Occasionally, but "" is far more common. I think the more exposure you've had to British culture, the more likely you are to use "bum".

<<<Has Brett Favre left a scar on football fans>>>?

I think he has. From now on, everytime a player retires, fans will say "oh its ok, im sure he will unretire soon" how are we ever supposed to believe them now?!

Who's gonna watch Taylor Lautner's (Jake from twilight)gig on SNL this wknd?

and what if you do hope to see? i dont really care i just want to see this boy perform so i can say that he is more than jacob black from the twilight series...know what i mean???your thoughts please?

How is a liberal arts college like Harvey Mudd superior to top ranked public university?

Firstly, The SAT score requirements for Harvey Mudd are much more than those of universities like UC Berkeley, Georgia Tech, UVA and University of Illinois. Secondly, the acceptance rates of Harvey Mudd are much lower than those of the other universities. Also, Harvey Mudd doesn't have any research facilities like the other universities have, still it is difficult to get into a Liberal Arts College like Harvey Mudd than to get into a top ranked public university. Why is it so? Why do liberal arts colleges have so high requirements even though they have low rankings?

Power Supply for 8800gt?

Take the cooler master because it supplies more power to your PC and it keeps your PC cool at the same time and it is cheaper !!

My Husband Hasn't Fulfilled His Promise After 9 years.....?

Okay we both used to smoke cigarettes and then we decided to have a baby but both knew we couldn't continue smoking for mine and the baby's health. He said he would quit too in all fairness but he didn't. In fact he would actually try to get me to smoke when I was pregnant just so I would be his smoking buddy. Well this has become a larger issue with me now since he is basically smoking our future away. I really do not want to be alone as an old woman just because he wanted to keep smoking. He knows this is my fear and just continues to do it. He will say he quit but then he just lies about it. It has been 9 years now and I am still smoke free and he still smokes and my heart breaks knowing my future will be spent alone and in some of the loneliest years of my life too. Should I trade him in once our daughter is raised for a husband who will be there with me in our golden years or stay by his side and nurse him through his early death from lung cancer and die alone?

Question about the Ozone Hole?

I don't really understand what the ozone hole is, what is it a hole in? And what happens when the hole arrives/disappears?

Snowboard collagessssssssssss!?

most companies will send you stickers if you sent them a pre-posted envelope, the bigger the envelope the bigger the stickers will probably be. companies usually let you know on their websites.... try not to brand clash with your stickers

The head of Obamacare wants a Brit style NHS, do you?

the head of Obama care should open his eyes and see that GB is wanting to privatize its health care industry to get out from under the mountain of debt that it's creating. The NHS is the third largest employer in the world. Not bad for a country the size of Alabama eh?? So the answer is no, I do not.


Ok so it my first week on them and lets say that i never take thursdays and Friday ever and not weary about them so i move on to saturdays pill. would the pill still work even thought i never took thursday and Friday ever. what would the effects be.

What stores sell Roxy Backpacks?

PacSun is a big roxy supplier so it has plenty of stuff from Roxy and in my local pacsun when you walk in there is a bunch of them hanging up around the walls. Also if you don't want to go into an actual store you can try an online one such as ebags.com and type roxy in the search bar. Hope this helps!

Computer Sound Cuts Out?

My sound intermittently cuts out. Running XP with Sound Blaster Audigy 4. Have tried other speakers. Same result. Sound card diagnostics reports all is OK. When sound goes off, may stay off for a day and suddenly start up again. I get audio through headphones even if no sound through speakers. Is there a way to tell whether this is a hardware or a software problem? Appreciate any help. Thank you.

Did the Rock's promo most likely INCREASE or DECLINE the sales of Fruity Pebbles?

I'm going to say Increase because all the kids will want to be like their hero John Cena, and be just like a big bowl of fruity pebbles, LOL!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I'm doing my room. How does all this stuff look together? Easy 10 points I promise. Fun.?

The quilt and curtains look good but I'm not sure about that carpet though, kinda loud. The pillows are just ok. Sorry if this isn't the answer you were looking for.

Flight to Kuwait....From San Diego....anything less than $2000....Please Help?

So ooooops......the last post I made was retarded.......I was in a bad mood......and upset.......I just need to get the hell out of here......and be with my husband.........I'm looking to leave August 15 - 31st................anyone have a buddy p......or miles that I could buy........something that wont cost my arm and leg.......thanks :)

How is being the tallest member of the famiy as a girl?

I am the tallest in my family. I and my one year younger brother are fully-grown. father is 1.74 and mother is 1.67. I am 25 years old 1.77 . My bro is 24 and only 1.72. I was not a tall girl in early school years. We were at the same height approximately. Even he was he was slightly taller than me although he was younger. he used to tease me of being short. he made me to say '' big bro '' to him. However I grew taller in puberty and overtook him but he couldn't grow more than me in his puberty. He spurt less time than me. Now when I wear high heels like 7 cm, I am at least 10 cm taller than me and I make him mad. Also my mother wears high heels at least 7 cm, my brother becomes the shortest. Mum and still are surprised how i became taller than him.

Kansas City Chiefs 2010!?

This year has brought Football back to KC, were actually looked at every week now, Im excited every time i watch them! Voice your opinions on this season so far !

Now the worse thing is ;[?

the guy that i got pregnat with has a sister and shes like my bf i met him throu her she donno me nd him had nd i havent seen him at school ever since i told him i was pregnat ... now im worry cuz shes been there 4 me so many times nd now that me and her bro *** up she dont even answer my calls i really wanna talk 2 her nd let her know her brother dont want the baby and i do but i think she hates me ... im going to colombia tomorow not 4 ever but 4 a while should i go c her and explain or just 4get it bout him and her???????

Frizl. Havn't seen this brought up by anyone, any thoughts?

How is it that such a monster, who acted with such cruelty and premeditation, A. let the 19yr old girl go to get hospital treatment, and B. let his daughter go and gave himself in? It amazes me that he didn't just kill the 19 yr old girl... He has a previous conviction for a violent crime, and has previously disposed of a body... or at least just let her die like he did the twin years ago... Does this monster have some kind of feelings after all? It can't possibly have been fear... Is there some phsychological block that stops a man from murdering his daughter/granddaughter - even such a man who imprisons and s his own daughter? Or isit just that he got old and decided what the heck, he has nothing to live for anyways why not let them go? What's going on? What changed phsychologically in this person?

Ovulation and when to BD?

My cycle is 31-35 days and i'm meant to ovulate between the 19th and the 24th of may, but i have been spotting form the 6th may to today (al tho it has not been there the last few visits to the toilet) should i just act as tho i will still be ovulating and BD with my hubby? I am using OPK's Thanks for you help and and baby dust all round :-)

Who is your favorite band from the 80's?

I have several groups I like from the 80's I would have to say I like the Eagles, Wham, Duran Duran, Prince, George and the Satalites and BonJovi

What would cause muscle like spasms by rib cage?

I would definitely recommend that you see your doctor ASAP. If the spasm is fairly low down on your rib cage, you could be having a gall bladder attack, which can make you pretty sick if ignored for long. Even if it's higher up, close to your armpit, any persistent chest pain is worth having a professional look at it.

Are highland creek (off brand sperry) non skid/slip?

I have to have non slip shoes for a job at hardees, if they are not non slip, what kind should I buy? thanks;-)

Can you PLEASE tell me what the meathouse is......?

rlly. this is cereaus. my friend jess and i are goofing off but she said that meathouse exist well dos it???? i need cereaus answers pls.

Where is our equal rights?

If your writing is anything to go by, I suggest you start over in kindergarten. You haven;t a clue how much your parents and the whole United States pay just for you to have an education. I really hope you grow up and realize this, before its too late.

What Is This Elton John Autograph Worth?

I recently got my ticket autographed at an Elton John concert. There were some special conditions which could possibly increase the value. It is a ticket to Elton John's very first show at the new Console Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pa, also the show was played on the same day as Elizabeth Taylor's death. Elton John talked about her death and sang a song for her. It is a pretty legible autograph and the ticket is in perfect condition. The ticket is also front row, dead center in front of his piano. Thanks.

What is the best Tracy Anderson Method DVD?

I was thinking about trying her method but since I'm on a budget and am only trying it out for now, I'm only getting one. Has anyone tried all of them? Which one is best?

Can somebody help me out in details of southern states of India?

You visit Saroma Holidays web site and drop an enq they are based in South of India they would be able to guide you ....

What kind of snowboard should i get? and what size?

I am 5' 10 and weigh about 120. Im lookin for an all around board i can cruise on and use in the park. I live in the east coast, and the mountains i would regularly go to dont get much powder and can sometimes get a little icy. I've been renting a board for the past couple years but am looking to go more frequently. Any Idea on what size I should get? and specific models? I've been looking at the k2 anagram because it sounds good and is pretty cheap, but everyone makes it seem like an entry level board. Is it a board i can use for a while or is it for people who are learning to ride.

as a pacifier?

I feel like my six week old is using my as a pacifier he will scream and cry and as soon as he gets it he falls right asleep doesn't even try to get any milk but as soon as I take it away he starts again n the same thing goes on and on ...

Hebrew: link to table for which verbs take which prepositions?

I need an Internet link to a (printable) table that will tell me which Hebrew verbs take which prepositions. Of course, since most take את, a table that only talked about the most common verbs that take ב ,ל, אל ,על, אחרי, מ, and so forth would be OK.

Essay about Holocaust?

Essay: Write at least a 4 paragraph essay to describe the affect the play, movies and book have had on you regarding the Holocaust. What have you learned? How do you feel? What piece of medium had the most profound affect on you and why?

I love and hate the new song "If I were a boy."?

I love what the song has to say. I hate the improper use of grammar. Shouldn't it be "If I WAS a boy?"

Is it liberating to show more skin?

Depends on what one defines as "liberating". Western culture defines "liberating" as women having the ability to show off as much skin as she wishes without harment. Mind you, this is the very culture that butchered six million people simply because of religion, and they continue the erroneous doings in the Middle East as we speak. I can't trust a culture that is hypocritical in its teachings and its acts.

White spots on teeth?

I slept with my mouth open last night because I am congested. When I woke up I had white spots on my front teeth (they were not there yesterday). Just wondering if this will go away...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What are some of your favorite books/novels?

jodi picoult writes amazing books, all mostly question morals, and ethics, and different controversial topics, they are amazingly good, and got me hooked, so im reading all of them, i think ive read 10 so far, anyway check them out, you won be disappointed.

Can too many choices be harmful?

Too many choices are only harmful if you don't know what you want. Choices are good because people are different. Also, trivial things are easily trivialized... important things are usually not. Even with all our gadgets and distractions, I say life has considerably more substance than the scenario you paint here... at least mine does! :-D

Anybody have pictures of TJ Jackson from (3T) wife Frances?

Just out of curiousity does anyone have pictures of Tj Jackson "supposive" wife...I think her name is Frances?

I kinda need help with this one guy at skwl..?

ok so, i really like this guy at school, but i dont know if he likes me back..many of my friends of said that we would make a cute couple, but idk. in the middle of cl he turns around to look at me, but i still dont get if thats what its about..and during recess we usually talk alot. but..i still dont know if he likes me or not?

Can you make spaghetti or lasagne in a slow cooker?

I am learning to cook with my Crock Pot and want to know if you can make pasta/Italian dishes in one. Any recipes are appreciated! Thanks!

Spotting 6 days before period. Never happens. What could this be? Help!?

About 6 days before i was supposed to start my period, i had this spotting type thing only when I wiped after using the bathroom and it was very light in my underwear. I asked my mom about it and she said she has had it every once in a while about 5 days before a period so i don't know if it's hereditary or not? I have a normal period and it comes every month at its regular time and happens for about 8 days and i NEVER spot before it comes like some do. I AM ually active so I have no idea if that would contribute to it or not. I've had unprotected before and he's pulled out about 2 minutes before he needs to and i've always gotten my period afterwards. I'd really rather not tell my mom about it and get her worked up over nothing if it's nothing to worry about and it's just a fluke. Can ANYONE help me? please! Thanks.

One of my guppies always loses colors? (cont. in the question)?

After i wake up or get back from somewhere i see one of my guppies is losing their color. (black turning to grayish) Its about feeding time so i feed it regains the lost color. How can i fix that? It doesn't seem like its stressed the water parameters are perfect (0ppm ammonia and nitrite 30ppm nitrate) the temp is all normal for tropicals. The other tank mates are 6 guppies and 2 ottos. Its been 2 months and it just started. Help and Thx a lot!

I have 2004 pulsar dtsi 150cc bike. i want to change its steel wheels into alloy(mag) wheels? is it possible?

Does this change effects the fuel efficiency of bike? Can i use the same tyres or tyre with same dimensions to the alloy wheel.

Where can i find a copy of Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox?

I want a paperback edition but without the new style cover or else it wont match the others, and i can't find one anywhere.

Is my fish gonna be ok?

i noticed my silver dollar tetra fish has some small white dots on him and on his dorsal fin. whats wrong with him? is he gonna be ok? he's been my favorite fish for like a year now and i really dont wanna lose him :( what should i do??

Does anybody know where i can find an unedited music video of "everything i'm not" by the Veronicas?

i was looking everywhere but couldn't find an unedited music video of "Everything I'm Not" by the Veronicas. HELP ME!!!!!!!

Culturally speaking am i racist for getting mad when ppl think im WHITE?

Im mexican and slightly lebanese and im very pale skinned but not like white ppl white ppl have a pink tone cuz their skin is transparent and im just pale and i dont burn i tan but i still refuse to purposely bake myself. i have black hair and green eyes (like my avatar) and some ppl think im white others think im arab and others think im spanish and i get offended when ppl mistake me for white. does that make me a racist?

Chemical test to confirm the presence of -OH group in ethanol?

a href="http://www.scribd.com/doc/8303180/60-Summary-of-Organic-Tests" rel="nofollow"http://www.scribd.com/doc/8303180/60-Sum…/a

Xbox 360 Game That Will Fly?

thats not good, most percent of shooters for 360 have gore, not too much of a variety of games that dont have it, u could try getting call of duty 4, that game doesnt have organs falling out it just has blood, but try to talk ur parents in to letting you get a good game.

10 points best answer!!!?

Does she like me!? Some girl keeps walking really close by me, then I bumped into her she didn't say nothing...and sometimes I see her looking at me. Then when somebody makes the cl laugh, shes looks at me and I guess smiles because of the laughing. When I talk to her she would listen and look at me in the eye. When she talks to her friends sometimes I see her looking and pointing at me. Then when she threw her Cell Project away I said "Ewww" she looked at me and smiled. When I bring gum or candy like icebreakers, shes the only one who cant ask, other girls can. So does she like me.

If you were supplementing iodine, how much do you give?

How many teaspoons/tablespoons of iodized salt would you add to feed? I'm talking to my vet first, i'm just curious. Salt blocks aren't made with iodized salt, correct?

When someone just turns 18, how much younger does the person they're dating have to be in order for...?

it depends on the state, in texas its 2 years wth parental consent to date not screw around. at 18 thats what hookers are for

Why is burning bi-ethanol fuel better for the environment?

It's really not. It's costing more to produce it since the demand on corn and other fermentable bio-m has increased. The main reason it was touted was to replace some of the imported oil that went for auto fuel. The fact that the mileage is less is not important. With the subsidies from the government for manufacture, and farming, and the transportation costs involved (it can't be shipped by pipeline) and the drop in efficiency, the real cost is more than the cost of premium.

WHY is Obama the apparant antichrist?

People believe Obama is the Antichrist because he is narcissist. Time will tell who the real Antichrist is. For now, nobody knows for sure. He will come into power very soon though. Keep a watch, as the bible states!

What to do in playa del carmen?

I have never traveled and this is going to be my first. I'm going to Playa del carmen this October. Is there any thing I should be going to do or see while I am there? I don't want to miss out on anything. Who knows when I can do this again.

Does anybody know george st pierre's stats on ufc undisputed 2009?

i always try to get him in a submission on career mode but i never can i always think it is because of his submission defense

PLEASE HELP! Medical Advice about BAD cramps during my period?

I started my period when I was 12 and from the beginning the pain has been unbearable. I'm 22 and just got my first real job and there is no such thing as me taking 2-3 days off every month. I cant take it anymore. I have explored many options already. I've already been made aware of the fact that there is a good chance that I'm dealing with some endometriosis and I do get rather large ovarian cysts that usually clear up on their own. I know that there is no guarantee when it comes to the procedures that get rid of the endometriosis and they leave scar tissue as well. I'm not trying to become infertile here. I'm scared for my health because I started at 4 ibprophen every 5 hrs for up to 3-4 days when I was 12...I have since built up quite the tolerance and am now up to 8 every 4-5 hours for 3-4 days. This really scares me for my stomach lining and kidneys. Some doctors seem okay with the amount I'm taking and some definitely are not. So far I have tried 3 different birth controls to help...none of them did. Most recently I used lo seasonique so that I would hopefully be down to 4 periods a yr...it still came every other month and didn't help with lessening pain at all. I have considered the depo provera shot, however, I have heard some serious horror stories of mood swings and REALLY excessive weight gain. I have changed my diet. I have exercised; at one point I used to run 6 miles a day. I've done the yoga. I've tried EVERYTHING. I know that these cramps are suppose to get better after having your first child, however, these cramps seem to somewhat run in my family and that has never been the case for any of the other women. PLEASE, I am desperately begging....If anyone has heard of any new procedures, medicines, ANYTHING that could help me PLEASE let me know...especially if you are a Doctor, I live in the KC area and if you know of any progressive Doctors who would be up to the challenge of helping me get my life back you would have my eternal and lasting gratitude...

The world is changing?

the world is changing everyday... the presidential election.... obama could be on the verge of being president, when we bring our troops out of iraq, chaos could happen... and terroistic attacks... the whole world starts wanting same marriage.. gas prices skyrocket because the democrats are against drilling for oil and want to conserve the land.. realestate goes down.. while taxes goes up.... america becomes a disgrace... obama gets shot.., DONT BE A VOTE MCCAIN. FOR YOUR FREEDOM ATLEAST.

What were Ho Chi Minh and Gandhi's views on independence?

Ho believed in using violence to achieve independence if necessary. Gandhi insisted on peaceful means.

Joseph and his brothers in Islam?

Yes they make cameos, its like Holby City and Casualty when the cast pop into each others show, or when they have a special episode where both shows combine.

What do you think of this trade?

Your asking way to much from the Yankees. I would be willing to give Kennedy, Melky and matsui for Ichiro.

What happened to acid rain?

Wasn't it supposed to force us all inside our homes? And what about the depleted ozone? Wasn't that the end of the world? And what about global warming? Oops, that one is still in the news.

Baby Girl on the way!?

Isabella Angela doesn't go good with each other. I would skip the Angela.. since they both have 'a' they just sound akward. Also Parker is kinda "different" and isabella is plain.. but they sound cute

Why did this happen to me?

i was minding my own, bussines whatching, tv and then,..booom !it happened, i saw her, on tv, she was playing in a movie and she was beautifull,she made my life full,she made me think if this life is true,if she isn't the moust beautifull then who,she made me believe that i got a chance to live my life,and never loose without a fight and when i think of her i think of a bright light and a peaceful place ,but i can't face ,life without her beeing able to know what she did for me ,but she's so far away,and she wount answer to my email anyway,by the way ithink i'm going crazy ,i think i'm out my mind they wouldn't submit my last question cus' my language was outta line ,and i stoped telling myself that i feel fine,is it a crime,to have feelings for somebody u haven't met,but that persons beauty just makes youre eyes whet ,its da type of person u never forget ,just not yet ,i'm so upset,this kinda of stuff has never happened to me and i don't wnat it to be to late to tell what i feel,real

Yahoo reports 76ers trade Rodney Carney and Calvin Booth for cash...Brand/Smith?

The Sixers seem to be in prime position to acquire Elton Brand or Josh Smith. With this trade to Minnesota, they now have over 14 million in cap space. What will play out in the next 24 hours in your mind?

Exam for British pport...?

Why would you need to sit an exam, Im confused, you just normally take your birth certificate and application form and send them off, with photos and signature of someone who is in authority (bar pub owner, doctor etc) and you get sent one

WHY are celtic fans so agressive?

i have been with yahoo for a while now and i have yet to meet such vile creatures as adele and anne marie who gave me loads of personal abuse when i asked a question on here of which i got a solicitation for! WTF, i was the one being abused they have also been calling me an effing bigot on my other questions in other sections, i have asked yahoo to look into it, does it really make you feel good to be such horrible people??

Friday, November 11, 2011

I was swimming in a large indoor pool yesterday when I noticed a disgustingly obese guy standing in the .....?

Get your own private pool and you won't have these problems, imagine the things people do when nobody is looking, gross, public pools are like public bathrooms, I stay away from them. It is not a crime only if he was defecating, or trashing the pool or the beach. Complain to management, but realizing how disgusting this is, I wouldn't waste my time, I'd simply stay away from a community pool, disgusting!

HELP! I want to know the name of this French movie shown on tv5 Monde channel?

Saw this movie in tv5 monde last night and there's this 35 year old woman called Laura who lives in an apartment all alone. And one day she was walking down the streets and saw an 18 year old guy selling newspapers.. and she offered to buy him a drink to help her or smth. And this guy's Uncle's name is Bruno, and there's this Jerome who Laura 'falls in love with'.. Ok, that's all I can remember. I only watched the movie from way mid and I really wanna watch it again. If you have ANY idea on what this movie might be, PLEASE let me know! Thanks guys! =)

In fairness to Lil Floyd...?

I seriously think Floyd just wants to take the rest of the year off. He clearly doesn't like fighting, it is his job and he does it when he needs money. He just made millions off of his fight with Mosley, and probably just wants to chill and rest until 2011. He isn't a spring chicken anymore, and also like you said there are the issues with his Uncle that must be on his mind. Plus, I don't think that just b/c the two sides were talking and Floyd declined to sign a contract really means anything. To think someone with an ego like Floyd would adhere to someone else's deadline, especially Bob Arum's deadline, is ludacris because we all know Floyd wouldn't let anyone tell him what to do and give him an ultimatum.

Why do u think someone would want to stop or kill someone who wants freedom and fairness?

i just was curious. why would someone not want freedom and fairness (like MLK times when black and whites went allowed to have the same rights)? Complete sentences only thanks i just want u guys opinions

I have anxiety and im taking ativan un prescribed please help.?

Ativan is addictive and not the best choice for anxiety and panic attacks and that's why you're self medicating with marijuana. The fact that you want to keep increasing the dose of ativan means you're becoming addicted and you're going to hit a brick wall with it in the future. No matter how much you take, it will eventually stop working for you. Panic attacks are terrifying but by leaving school and hiding out at home to be home schooled only made things worse. I'm sorry but you do need to see a doctor and not hide at home and take pills or you will lose it for sure.

How could I be so stupid to dall in love and build my life around a guy who has now left me hugh and dry?

Happens all the time unfortunately .. This is men all over.... and I am a man.. so know what men feel .. Men want lots of women all at once .. They don't want just one true love . Women are so different , place all their trust in one guy .. Sad but true .. ,

What's it like to move from the infatuated/having a crush stage to actual love?

It is better to have a crush, well if you're under 18. I fell in love with a girl once, but she did not want me, so I won't be making that mistake again. Love is a painful thing if the other person does not like you back. In a crush, people are more nervous, but in love, people will begin to feel more comfortable with the other person. Kind of difficult to explain, though.

Virus Trojan horse Rootkit-Agent.CW?

i have a virus Trojan horse Rootkit-Agent.CW that AVG detects it. Everytime i delete it or move it to the vault it disappears and then reappears. What can i do to get rid of it?

Asthma, my inhalers aren't working lately?

The best inhaler is not the brown or blue one, it is the purple one - Seretide. Take this one, its amazing, how quickly your asthma disappears, with no backlash like phlegm or tight chest. Seretide is an Outstanding inhaler :)

What are some books with insane characters and/or anti-heroes?

Wuthering Height by Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. In fact, the whole Bronte family were were wacky themselves.

Fantasy Football dilemma?

Im having a hard time deciding who I should start at QB this weekend. Either Brees against the Texans or Eli Manning against the Lions. Input anyone?

Student teacher confidentiality and fairness toward myself.. what can i do to get some justice?

Get your parents involved, and get them to request another teacher for you! It is obvious that you two do not get along, and that is not conducive to a learning environment. Switch cles.

Chefs & Cooks, help me please?

My family and I bought a six-pack of Hershey Triple Chocolate Chunk brownies from Costco a few months ago. However, since there was only one bag left, someone threw away the box. So, basically, I'm wondering if anyone has a recipe for how to cook them (ie, how many eggs, cups of flour) or maybe what the average brownie recipe calls for? And do you think they'll be expired already? Thank you. (;

Week 15: QB and RB Help? Romo/Big Ben - Forte/Jacobs?

Romo - Roethlisberger is getting killed by the poor offensive line he's behind and Romo is playing much better than Roethlisberger right now. Of the 3 RBs, I would take Jacobs and hope for the best. Jennings has a good match up, but he's still a pretty big risk.

Who else would think it is hilarious if the electoral vote ties 269 to 269?

I wouldn't call it hilarious, I would call it "historic" I hope democrats keep fighting for a tie. Sounds like a white flag to me, and that I find Hilarious.

I really think I'll go crazy without my baby!!!!!?

No amount of time or greiving will make you forget your baby. I lost a little boy 16 weeks into a pregnancy back in Sept. of 2001. I had other children and my husband and you know what I didn't want to be anything to anyone. People were like you have the others be happy. But I will tell you with time all wounds do heal to a degree. I can now go through days where I think of him but don't feel like I want to jump off a bridge. I tried to do the whole greif counslor thing and didn't like the how does this make you fell and the nod of her head and that look. I found for me I painted a box and stenceled his name and dates on it and inside I put my journal from my pregnancy, ultrasound pics, and all the things we had bought to that point inside as well as the cards and his angel bear and ornament we had done for him the first Christmas after I lost him. I placed it on my dresser and kept it there for a long long time until one day it just felt write to put it away in the closet. We also planted a dwarf apple tree so I would have year round reminders of him. I would have the blossoms in the spring, the apples in the summer and fall and then in winter we decorated it for the birds to eat off of. It just felt nice to look out the window and see those reminders of him and what he meant to me. There is no wrong way to grieve, grieve the way that feels right to you and your heart. Go online to the different sites for grief and loss and tell your story, light a candle on line for your baby, talk to others who have been through the same thing and they know first hand what you feel. I found my best friend who lost her baby girl Emily at 22 1/2 weeks to a cord accident to be my shoulder to lean on and over time she and I have helped each other heal and move on so to speak. You will never forget but it does get just a little easier everyday that pes. Remember your baby in what ever way makes you feel good. My prayers and thoughts and my heart go out to you may you find some peace and there are lots of us out here who know what you feel, email if want.

IM DESPERATE FOR HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

so i met this guy and hung out with him for two days (he lives outta state) and he went back home. after he left he txted me (i didnt give him my num) saying ur the most beautiful girl blah blah blah. and eventually we went out. i broke up with him cuz he was too clingy. he still sayz i luv u and stuff to me and sometimes i say it back. i saw his facebook comments and thhe sweet, cute way i thought he talked ONLY TO ME LIKE THAT, he talked to every gurl he knew. also theres thiis pic of me and him where he said my gurlll and <3 and cute stuff but that was wen we went out. he hasnt deleted them tho. sometimes when we are txting he just stops txting back. he still txts me and makes an effort to call and sometimes we talk. but is he just playing me?And i forgot to mention i dont have a facebook, i see his facebook on my sisters facebook. idt he knows i see them, maybe?

Whats this lump on the back of my right hand?

If it is on a tendon, it is a cyst. They used to call them Bible Cysts because as the myth goes, the Dr would smack the outstretched hand with the spine of a bible to make it go away. seriously, yo could try using an ACE wrap. Occ they have to be injected with a steroid or surgically managed.

Why is Cindy McCain at every campaign stop, always within a few feet of her husband?

Other candidates don't have their spouse with them at all times. I am thinking that there must be a reason.

Why do people minding thier own business in life, dont break the law, that fall victim to a person?

to a psychopathic apt. neighbor, made to endure their sick harment, bodily harm by their dog, fa sly calling the police and the normal person gets treated as if they are the one that is the nuisance. Same story by police, when mind you they have this psychopaths extensive criminal record just a call away, do nothing. Nothing. Then just dare you to react. React in the way dumb people only understand .Beat them to a pulp. But no, then the innocent person is hauled off to jail with charges of ault, fines to pay, probation to endure, charges showing on your record. Dont get it, do any of you.

How much exercise is too much?

So I am an 18 year old girl and I have been having arguments with my friends about how much I exercise. I exercise about 6 days a week. I do kickboxing two days a week, 1 hr worth of cardio 2 days a week (keeping my heart rate within a 136-154 zone) and then intense running for 30 min 2 days week. Is that too much?

How to stop astro traveling?

The more anxious you become about this situation, the worse it will probably become. When drifting off to sleep, repeat to yourself : "I am peaceful and trust my instinct". If astro travelling persists, try and go with the flow and remain as calm within yourself as you can. This could be persisting for a reason and will continue until the truth for you unfolds.

Anyone know who makes does the techno song with the lyrics, "Give us an 'e'...eat 'em up yum yum..." (repeat)?

High energy techno song that has been remade and remade all different versions late 90's...Also has a lot of hoo'ing not much singing...makes you want to bounce and jump up and down...If you know where I can buy it, even better! Thanks for your help!

When do i bring him out of his cage? (about a scarlet macaw)?

i bought a scarlet macaw yesterday, and i dont know when should i let him out of the cage without him flying away and how can i start training him? somebody please help

Astro Van mpg after V8?

I am in the market for a cheap Astro Van and I came across an 87 with a rebuilt chevy 350 motor in it. What would you estimate the mpg for this thing at? Also what do you think it got before the engine swap? I would like to know what the regular ones get thats why im asking the second question.

Can you wish me good luck?

i participate in an athletics competition in a few hours and i have big chances of winning, but i`m pretty nervous so wish me good luck..

What is a good amp for U2?

I am looking for a good amp for U2 sounds. I have decided that I don't need an AC-30 because I will just be playing in my bedroom. I was thinking an AC-15, but i've seen some good U2 sounds come of of Blues Jr's also.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Atheists: How would you respond to the end of this short debate?

None of these "arguments for god"in any way,shape,or form,describe or argue for the CHRISTIAN god.Why is that?tip:Never bluff with a jack high,you will lose

Am i the only one that thinks that all the Earth Quakes are happening more and more? 3 big ones that i herd of?

It doesn't mean anything. There are years with a lot and years with very few. It's just the way things go.

What is wrong with these 'people' who is just stirring op emotions .. for crying out loud?

Fact is one needs to evaluate who the contributors are to the face ... Malema is simply a face to the investors whom lie behind ... ego is a weak thing .... power, finance and leaching of resouces, is a and has always been the over ruling elemant prevailing in culture dating back to all scriptured times ...thus being the pervailing force and predisposed ruling mentality in most first world countries, as it has been in the past - with the exception that the major players have changed places ... the greatest issue in Africa is that every One can be bought ... Let's pray that this will Not be the case...

Fairness in comparing issues?

The fallacy of the false comparison is one of the most prevalent fallacies on GWS. Without fallacious arguments they would have to shut this site down!!

How to improve my fantasy basketball team?

Your team is amazing. For the short term you will go up because BIllups stats will go up. All of your guys are amazing but just looking at your big men you could use a little more rbs becuase you lost horford but your team is still amazing. Your weakest link would probably be Wallace and Chandler.

How to stop farting help mee?

i basically fart 24/7 its annoying and a turn off for girls i need help they smell like rotten beans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

I have a small tetra fish..can I keep it in a fishbowl?

Tetras are schooling fish too. They need more than one but if you do want them not to die I would advise buying a small 2 gal. Tank, They sell some pretty good cheap ones at PetSmart..$20ish. Then I would buy five new friends for your tetra as they need friends (schooling fish).

Piercing problem--help....?

it's alright. i kinda sorta had the same problem and had to get my ears pierced 3 times. now they're stretched, but that's another story lol. i never really took good care of my ears when i was young and they got infected a lot. the same happened to me where i looked like a pirate because i had one ear pierced and the other closed up. so i went back to where i originally got it pierced and the guy effed it up big time. so i eventually closed both holes. a couple months later i really wanted to get them pierced so i sucked it up and did it. go somewhere more professional than places in the mall because that's where i got my ears pierced and all three of them sucked.

Why are people acting like the Mavs are loaded with All NBA players when I say Dirk took 2 teams to the finals?

That's true Dirk is carrying them the whole way, they are definitely not loaded, they just say that because the supporting cast is stepping up in some games.

Does this bikini look okay? :) (links)?

Honestly it depends if u have that small chance of it falling off its cute but just make sure you get the right size

Why do promiscuous men do not feel they should be judged as such?

I wonder why many guys in here will easily say this in reference to women, but NEVER about other men. Either way, I do not think of ANYONE as a slut for doing whatever he/she chooses with his/her body and other consenting adults.

Romeo and juliet lines,, help!?

Capulet is basically telling Juliet she has no choice but to marry Paris. If she doesn't she won't have a family to "fall back on." He would basically disown her.

Is The Reason That Catholics Forbade Its Members From Joining The Freemasons...?

This is purely my own understanding and I could be wrong; but is the practical reason that the Freemasons stressed no religious belief over any other and viewed them all as equals. Since they did not enforce Catholicism in particular that Catholics forbade their members to join them?

Chi-squared test - Is it an appropriate statistical ysis of data in making probability judgements on .....?

i think that 2.34 is a small enough number that you can't reject your null hypotosis. I don't remember the exact numbers that each chi squared number is related to in percents, but i'm pretty sure 2.34 is in the 'normal' range

How do I ask this girl out?

Im 14 in the 9th grade (high school), and theres this chick who is also in 9th grade and is 14. She is in my homeroom, that is the only cl shes in with me and like 20 other people. We don't ever talk, the only time I remember talking to her is asking her what her name is, and her replying with "Cool, you?" I really like her, she is pretty, yet I know absolutely nothing about her besides her first name. What should I do? Also, she has a boyfriend.. but she is really cute? Should I ask her for her phone number or ask her out at the end of cl when everyone leaves

Who is your pick for the 08 NCAA Hockey champs/brackets?

I think Clarkson is going to win. They are underestimated by a lot of people, because they are not well known. I think that they have a real great team and they have the determination. Not to mention. Amazing fans! LETS GO TECH!!

What's the origin of the Brit term "cagoule" for a thin, unlined, hooded raincoat, beyond the French for...?

..."hood"; how did these two words for the same thing get to differ so much from each other?

Help me get interesting movie?

You have a great choice of movies. You can have the list of famous movies or new releases from a href="http://www.movies-online.us" rel="nofollow"http://www.movies-online.us/a . I usually watch movies from this site.. I have watched yesterday new released movie "Inception"..It's really awesome..

What did you think of BET's top 100 songs of 2008?

For real thanks for this question! Cause I gotta say BET there is something wrong with them lol seriously. I was disapointed when they put Soulja Boy last year as number one. And now they got all these whack artists as high numbers? Like V.I.C like you said. Then they made Lil Wayne number 1 and 2?? Are they smokin? But I can't lie BET forever love to ride Lil Wayne. They love him for some reason. In their awards he got like 12 nominations and all this crazy iish.

What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction?

The reaction : H2(g) + Cl2(g) <--> 2HCl(g) has a equilibrium constant of 4*10^31. What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction: HCl(g) <-->1 /2 H2(g) + 1/2 Cl2(g) ?

How do these elements bond? (covalent/ionic)?

In cl we did a lab with Sulfur Hydroxide and Phosphorus Hydroxide, and he told us to find what they're commonly known as..I tried to figure out their chemical formula and I realized that they can't bond since both OH (hydroxyl) and P and S are negative ions! would that mean that they are covalently bonded, and called phosphorus hydroxide, or hydroxyl phosphate, or something?!?! Can someone tel me how they are bonded, and if possible what they're names and formulas are? THANK YOU!!

What can guinea pigs or there pee do to a pregnant woman?

Nothing. The guinea pig might bite if you really mishandle it, but that's about it. If it is properly cared for the urine should never be a problem. The guinea pig itself would start having health problems living in that cage 24/7 before even a pregnant woman would have any trouble going near the cage for a few minutes.

Can i change my rabbits hay??(10 points!!)?

hay shouldnt matter if you switch it just like that. nothings likely to happen. worst case senario would be if the bunny was allergic to the new hay, in which case you would have to change it, but even thats not likely to happen.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Should i spend 3 nights in phuket and 3 nights in krabi or 4 nights in phuket and 2 nights in krabi?

i am goin to thailand in december for 9 nights so we spend 3 nights in bangkok and now we are in doubt over spending 3 nights in phuket and 3 nights in krabi or 4 nights in phuket and 2 in krabi or vice versa

What to do for rapid heart rate!!!?

Im 18 years old..not overweight at all. I eat okay and i exercise daily. I was diagnosed with High blood pressure and rapid heart rate. The doctors think that the hbp comes from my rapid heart rate tho. I have had numerous EK G's and they all have came back wrong so I wore a 24 hour halter Monitor and also had an ultra sound of my heart as well. It showed that I had mitral valve prolapse and I had to end up wearing a 21 day halter monitor. The doc said that my medicine mainly kept my heart rate down but it doesn't all the time. I am currently taking Metoprolol tart 50 mg. Even thought I am on this i am still experiencing the rapid heart rate badly. It stays over 100 beats a minute and resting sometimes goes to 150-160 a minute. When my heart beats fast I get nauseous, really hot, dizzy and i have even ped out....i need to know what to do...go back to doctor or just deal with it?

I'm looking for an birthday ecard or printable, it says something like i wanted to buy a gift....?

try looking on 123 greetings. they have a lot of great ecards and i think some are printable too, but i am not sure.

I need help thinking of a good unique name for my cat?

Lantern short for Jack-o-lantern it's unique i don't think anyone has named their cat Lantern, I think it's an awesome name

What do I do?! What do I f- n do?! Plz help?

Okay well basically I'm from Iraq. All my long time friends (5yrs) think I'm Italian cuz I was too embarred to tell them the truth.. When I met my girlfriend I told her I'm Italian also bc I didn't expect to fall seriously in love with her but I have and we've been dating for about 2 and half years and I really have been wanting to tell her but I'm afraid of the outcome. She's christian n I'm Muslim and obviously if we get married eventually then religion is going to be a major problem. I want her to convert to Islam so it's okay for us to get married but the prob is that her parents are pushing her to be more involved with church but she tells me that she doesn't really care for church. She's not a bad girl though bc she still upholds to her morals. She knows everything about me down to the very last detail except where im from and my religion. I need to know what to do bc I plan to tell her the complete truth by the end of senior year and before college. Please help me out and please try to understand how hard this is for me.. Iv lied about this since the 3rd grade due to a really bad hazing experience and iv been caring this burden for a long time. We've talked about our futur together and I honestly can't see myself without her and she feels the same. We are both going to the same college couincodentally and same major- medicine. I need to know how to tel her correctly and keep this relationship going and I'm hoping to convince her to convert her when I tellher btw. I'm really thankful for your help...

If undoented workers pay taxes(which they do,there are special stores where they can do this) then how can?

they be a burden to hospitals,roads etc.?(but hey don't take my word for it , look it up,it has been doented on CNN,ABC,indy-media,etc.)

What do you think this dream means? I dreamed I was at a reunion type (w/my sons grade scool kids & family) &

I think that you answered your own question. He needed your prayers right now. You got the message and did the Lords bidding. Good for you.

Hey guys! Can you please help determine the appropriate audience for a Novel I'm writing? ?

teens and young adults would probably be the audience bc many young adults like that kind of book. Since the main characters are 15 and 16 ppl around that age group will be intrigued with the book. hope that helped. :)

How do some people ume that Barack Obama is Adolf Hitler number 2?

They are both really good public speakers? Seriously, I have no idea where people come up with these things.

What are good Snowboard Companies?

My number one choice is Technine, but also look at Nitro, DC, Forum, Burton, Gnu, Libtech, Flow, or Salomon...

What's causing my crochet to curl? How can I fix it?

You are probably holding it to tight try to loosen the tension and you should be fine the same thing happened to me when I first started to crochet and I put it down for years for that reason until a few co-workers told me what the problem was good luck I hope this helps

Did the U.S. ever get any of the 60 billion back that we loaned Iraq in the 80's?

The United States Government stated that we could not afford Iraq to loose the war to Iran (1980-1988). So we sold them 117 hellicopters (200 million) and we offered intelligance, weapons, and we even got involved in fighting in the end. But what happened to the 60 billion we loaned them though out the 80's that went to funding Iraqi troops and partly towards making chemical weapons (which it's reported that the blue prints for making such weapons was aquired partly from the U.S.) and eventually i'm sure put towards invading Kuwait. Is all that money gone? Have they repaid us a dime?

Do you know why Conservatives should support Impeachment?

What Rule of Law has been ignored. Everything that the President has done has been within the Constitution. I may not always agree with him and it sounds as if you never will, but he has done the best job that he could under the cirstances. Better than Clinton was or the other Clinton will be.

Where Can I Find ( printable ) Paper RC Helicopter Canopies?

Like I say, it varies on the helicopter. Is it big or small? PROVIDE THE LINK AND WHAT HELICOPTER!!! and... I dont know what the other guy is talking about....

Where can I find these headphones?

I was watching Vanessa & Angela Simmons tv show Daddy's Girls. The episode where Angela wants to buy a motorcycle, at the end of it she's wearing these cute headphones. does anyone know who they are made by and where i can find them?

When can i take a preg test? this is driving me crazy!?

Work out when your period WOULD HAVE been due if you hadnt started on the pills, and around that time you can take a test.

How do i train my 1yr cat to stop pulling up my carpet?

I have a new burberry carpet and she is addicted to pulling up the loops in the carpet. She loves string! I have given her 2 sistic posts, as well several toys to play with to deter her. I have used a spray bottle when she is in the act but she's has already done the damage (usually done when i'm sleeping near sunrise). I've sprayed the carpet with Pet Organics"No Scratch" from Petco, but the cat still insists on the pulling up the carpet. I've also yelled "NO" when she is lowering her head to start the act of pulling up the carpet, but doesn't work either. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me out?

Mum's always undermining my judgment as a parent... How do i put a stop to it?

Okay, Im 21, I have a 2yr old. I''ve only began living with my mother since i've had the baby. I haven't lived with her since i was 15. I've been with my grandparent. I can reason with my grandparents. My younger siblings undermine my judgments cause my mother undermines my judgments. She's impossible to reason with, the second I point out one of her parenting flaws or tell her to let me do my things as a parent I get the im under her roof speech. For 21 I have little freedom, I understand that its my child and no one is obligated to watch her, but if i decide that im taking a trip out of the country with my child it's a huge problem. I didn't even feed like i wanted to cause my mother found a problem with the way i fed. If i discipline my child by putting her in timeout, or ignoring her tantrums, My mom deems me an abusive parent. If i try to have a relationship, Im deemed a slut or or some other obscenity. Everything I do as a parent is abuse. I give my child a bedtime and try enforce it, im a horrible parent. I don't go out, I don't have fun, i turn to alcohol in whatever free time i have to unwind. Nothing seems enjoyable anymore. Everything is a task. Every time i save up money to move out, Some emergency takes place and im set back another 6 months. I feel like im slowly losing control. Am I overreacting? Is this really what parenting is?

Little help please...?

my friend wants to know where she can find a chinese written copy of the qu'ran, is there any useful websites where she can purchase one?

What problems are ociated with improper use of antibiotics?

What problems are ociated with mixing prescription drugs? What does California law say about distributing drugs at school?

Im young and just starting weight loss, I need alot of help?

What i do is jog/ walk at a stead pace for about a half hour then i sprint until i cant run anymore. running at the end is good to get your heart rate up if you can increase you heart rate for 20 minutes a day it will boost your metabolism for up to 6 hours allowing you to burn calories at a higher rate, so workoing out in the monring is ideal. Do not lower your calories just lower your fat intake for now because it would be a good idea to weight lift and build a bit of muslce. muscles constantly burn fat just being there even while your sleeping so muscling up is a great step to losing fat. I also suggest take any type of protein supplements there cheap 25 dollers for 2 lbs on average and protein helps to build muscle and lose fat when your working out. Goodluck !

Why do men put the blame on...?

She knows the truth - that's all that matters. It isn't easy to admit you're a jerk - it's much easier to blame someone else.

Rate my fantasy football team?

Dude! How did you do that?!? Is this a 4 team league? JK It is a really good team for 12 PPR league. I think Flacco will do big things this year, like that pick. CJ=Awesome. Forte should have a bounce back year and not only that he gets Martz offense, think Marshall Faulk receptions! Desean Jackson and Miles Austin, Scarrry! Once again, how did you pull that off??? and then got Welker to boot in a PPR league? Sick! Celek is going to get a good amound of targets from Kolb who i think is the real deal. Then you got some solid backup/injury insurance/could be big guys with McNabb, Spiller, Jones,VJ, Gaffney, and Holmes. GREAT JOB! Enjoy the playoffs man. A solid 10!

Unfinished creative writing story. Opinions?

wow this is amazingly well done i really liked the part about his description but i don't think you should have been quite so obvious about his injury/death.

Do you think guys know more about football then girls?

Everyday at school all the boys try to talk tough about their favorite teams and football...well ima girl and i know a LOT bout football bec i grew up with it...soo do you thing that guys know more about football then girls do if so why? And do you think guys underestimate girls' knowledge about football??

Anyone Know about this Phone?-SLIM Unlocked Cect A380i PDA Mobile Phone?

it is okay, but reviews say it is buggy, check out the d800i as well: a href="http://www.chinagrabber.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=1531&HS=1" rel="nofollow"http://www.chinagrabber.com/index.asp?Pa…/a

I need help with ghost?

ok i moved in this apartment in 2001 as soon into my first month here i knew it had ghost in it at least 3-5 i know one is a woman and 2 are men i have seen or heard them not sure on other 2 though i fig the sprites pro came from next door is a upscale retirement home. know here's the problem they usually do there thing and i do mine and we respect each other in that aspect but i have had sense moving over the years 2 gf's that have lived with me first one when living with me the ghost went berserk through things knocked over banged stuff ended up me and that gf split up now i have a different gf living with me this time the spirits aren't as active like last but for some reason they dont want her to sleep in same room with me in bed if she does they bang and scratch stuff but dont knock or through things time like before if she sleeps in living room on chair or couch there happy and make no noise if in bedroom and with me they are not also on a sec note i had decided to move about 2 yrs ago and then spirits acted up ever sense i made that public knowledge and had a stream of bad luck ever sense lost m job in retail stuff in house disappears i have had to replace keys like 6 times my apt has fallen in disrepair because i am so broke i need to decide on food or cleaning supplies and so forth every step of the way to try to get out gets blocked by some unseen force and line of communication between spirits and me have fallen apart like understanding the boundaries of respect i dont know if they want me to leave or stay by there actions anymore and i feel a good portion of this bad luck has to do with them i have had that gut feeling for a long time so i need some help i have tried what i have done before talking to them to find out but i get nothing but - fro them now

Can you figure out this riddle?

Four men sat dawn to play, They played all night till break of day. They played for gold and not for fun, With separate scores for everyone. When they had come to square accounts, They all had made quite fair amounts. Can you the paradox explain, If no one lost, how all could gain?

The resulting balanced equation?

What would the resulting balanced equation be between Ca(NO2)2 (calcium nitrite) and H2O (distilled water)?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Would it be hard to learn how to make these?

I've always loved those little crocheted animals, but I don't know how to crochet. Would it be hard to learn and then learn to make the animals? Are the animals a lot more complicated? This is what they look like, a href="http://www.craftycrafty.tv/crochetcreatures.jpg." rel="nofollow"http://www.craftycrafty.tv/crochetcreatu…/a My gradma can crochet so I have someone to teach me, but she doesnt do the animals. So I would be on my own for that part. And what is the easiest one out there?

What players should I start in week 3 for NFL fantasy football and should I make any trades?

Shaub is your only QB so start him. I would start AP before felix jones. Your stacked in wide recievers so it doesnt matter. But for your two WR go with Randy Moss and Steve Smith from Carolina not from New York.

Should the voters stand on principle regardless of political beliefs?

My political beliefs derive from the principles that my life is based upon. In that sense, yes, but for those whose political beliefs are devoid of principle... no, and in fact, they are the problem.

What does this mean and what do I do?

Ok so I am in a long distance relationship me and my girlfriend of a year and 6 months met online and we are both 15 (6 months apart she is in 9th i am in 10th) PLEASE DO NOT PUT RUDE COMMENTS ABOUT HOW SHE MIGHT BE A PEDOPHILE BECAUSE SHE IS NOT. I love my girlfriend dearly and I know she loves me and she has depression and all and when she gets angry she'll pretend to send texts to cha cha (that answer text thing) or like a friend then immediately txts back (wrong person) and I know she does it on purpose because she only does it when she is mad. Me and my girlfriend are completley opposite. She is into like going out and stuff like that and she wants to get drunk and do drugs and everything. I do like going out but I guess I'm more reserved. Anyway so she'll pretend to send wrong txts and theyll say: "How do you perform self harm without a signifacant other knowing" yes she cuts herself and it really bothers me. But see we wont talk for a few hours and then we call eachother later she comes crying and saying she is sorry and that she loves me. So like a few weeks ago (when she was mad) she sent me an email of her thoughts saying that she cant bear being opposites with me and how she says its not fair because I live forever away and she wants to be kissed and held and wants to drink and do drugs and that she thinks i'm controlling because I don't want her cutting herself, commiting suicide, doing drugs or drinking (She is 15 i remind you) and she said she doesnt know how long we'll last but then she said she loves me. So anyway I called her up later that night and she was crying and I told her that I want to do what her heart tells her to do and everything meaning if she wants to go then i will be right there if she wants to come back. She said she wants to stay with me and that she loves me and she was sorry for being mean and sending the message. So anyway she lost her ipod on the bus on friday (she loves music dearly and is always pissed when she cant listen to it) and so she was angry then she spent the night over her friends house and everything and today at like 12 she txts me and is just so bitchy (her friends hate me btw because we broke up for 30 days like 9 months ago and i sent this mean txt cuz i was just furious and her friends read it) and she was saying im self centered and i kept asking her questions because she has depression and family probs and she got really pissed and said to leave her the **** alone. So then 20 minutes later she does that whole fake wrong person text thing saying "what do you do if your unhappy in a relationship" I know she meant to send that to cha cha. So Ive been trying to call her and she wont pick up and I know she is crying I just don't know what to do. Please help me.

I wonder that could I live alone?

www.virtuesproject.com will show you your strengths that u need to develop and forge ahead. this MAY avoid lonliness. despite all that u have, u couldnt control that part of the brain that depresses our faculties. u gotta get a new friend. be gregarious and make new friends. all u have now are objects which r inanimate. find new and good friends. check out the bahai community in your city

Wilting asparagus problem?

I planted 50 ginjlim asparagus crowns in my allotment 2 years ago. Last year I took a small crop and this year I have taken more. I have noticed that some of the spears, maybe 10% have died off shortly after appearing. These bad spears seem to be pale in appearance, bent over and have a kind of wilted appearance. Anyone know what could be causing this? I can only think its either the cold weather (possibly frost?) or maybe slugs (I have put pellets and wood chip mulch around). All info welcome.

Help with halloweeen costume?

im in 7 grade and i was gonna be paris hilton for halloween and my sister is in 9 and was gonna be nicole richie and bring my little puppy what is something good and apporpiate for us to wear?

Why do things not make sense about 9/11?

Why it collapsed was not because of the support beams it was the weakiningg of the floor joist from the jet impact and they were not explosions the where people hitting the ground who jumped from like 60 stories or something.

Got a question about the superbowl halftime show?

During the half time show all those people were dressed in white suits that changed colors from green to pick and red. This sounds retarded but i want one of those suits. Where can i get one?

I need help finding my Best lineup. i need help in the outfield section. I have a great team.?

haha, well you defidently dont have a great team. C= decent but not great, you mihgt need more help there than in the OF. 1B= very good. konerko is going to have a really good year and haftner always puts up good power numbers. 2B= good with utley. SS=good but if the mets run into trouble with health, the whole team will suffer the morale loss. 3B= good troy glaus a bit old? OF= you seem to think its all bad, but its not really all that bad. dye has looked good so far this year and you have speed with crawford, upton, and taveras. i personally have fukudome but im not so sure that he is going to steal a whole lot of bases. P= not so good this is where you need the most help. the tigers havent won a game, but that might blow over, but if their power hitters dont start prouducing, then get rid of that staff. the yankees rotation is only decent, nothing great to report there.

What are your thoughts on reality star Ryan Jenkins committing suicide?

honestly i had no idea who he was. but after reading the sick gross things he did to his ex. thank god he didnt get chosen by megan. thank god he cant harm no one else.

About a poem....need literary devices?

better point a certain topic in making a poem for the readers to sense the quality of a piece.......i cant see any artistic point to any stanzas its funny though..... i suggest a poem about what interest you to make it valuable/real.

True or false?????????????????????

one of the reasons republicans herbert hoover was elected president in 1928 was that his opponent alfred e. smith was roman catholic

What should i do? im not liking it. guys and girls help 14+ older only!!?

ok i like this guy and i'm thinking about asking him to sadies. he talks to me in religion a lot and touches me sometimes (hes kinda weird but cute and well-liked). but the past few days he hasn't talked to me as much. matter of fact he's barely talked to me. and theres this one girl who he talks to on facebook. i think she goes to school around me but im not sure our only mutual friend is him. so on his wall all of her replies have haahaaha in it and she commented on his picture saying niiice and my friend thinks your hot. shes pretty 2 and i dont no what he's saying back so what should i do?

I messed up, can you help me fix it at all with her?

Well what you should do is hit her up. Don't mention the incident unless she brings it up. You never know whether or not she forgot about it. & if she does bring it up say something like you didn't really know what to say or because you looked at her and she knew you were looking, that you expected she was going to say hi. & when she didn't you thought she didn't really want to talk to you, so you kept going. & end it with a joke like at least i said hi this time, im making an improvement. I know it sounds cheesy but that's what a girl needs sometimes. Im a girl who has a lot of guy friends and constantly i say things that make them mad or wanna puke lol . Depending on which of the friends im talking to my apology is turned to fit them.. I know that seems irrelevant but it's not. If the girl your talking to is bubbly then be fun about it, but didn't make as though you're not taking her seriously. If the girl is more down to earth you probably should make your answer more down to earth and reasonable. I hope this works :D

Monday, November 7, 2011

I think im addicted to dog food what can i do?

i just tried a little bit one night as i was feeding roxy just curious of what it tasted like then i liked the taste of it so i ate more of it now i just crave it like it is a normal food any help? please im desperate

I want to start an Tmobile plan with an existing AT&T Phone?

I want to start a flex plan with my faves services. But I don't want any of the phones tmobile has because I already have a $300 windows mobile 6 GSM unlocked phone I was using with my AT&T service (Samsung BlackJack II to be exact). Is there anyway I can get the service and not have to buy one of their phones? Also to use email and internet is there a service I can, or do I have to pay for it as extra?

I want to design a professional logo for my business. What software do you recommend in the $100-$500 range?

It's a residential design/build business. I have a strong CAD background, so I should be able to catch on to the concepts quickly. The program should allow for importing and manipulation of different fonts, images, graphic drawings, etc. I'd like to be able to develop something for business cards, signs in front of homes, billboards, ads for magazines, merchandise, stationary, etc. So, ideally, the program should be able to lay out and export the design most commonly required for these things. In the future, I'd like to use the designs for a website. Thanks in advance for your help!

What is beauty in your eyes?

'Beauty is in the beholder's eye" the famous shakespare's quote. I see different aspects of beauty as it is a very wide term. When it comes to lady's beauty description then it is her kindness that I view as the best quality of quantifying her beauty. Looks fade over time but her kind heart will grow lovlier and make her look even more beautiful!! hope this helps...

How to thaw garlic if I want to eat it raw?

Mashed garlic will come to room temperature within 30 minutes. Portion the amount out that you want to eat and set it on a clean plate. Wait 30 minutes and it will have thawed


Life is too short to be miserable with someone who doesn't show his love for you. If he doesn't get some help for depression or what ever is wrong with him, you should consider divorce. Divorce is not dandy, but I don't think marriage is supposed to be miserable. He is not loving.

Roscoff to Bilbao area?

Is it feasible to drive from Roscoff to Northern Spain? Principally to save about �400 from the price of ferry tickets (Plymouth to Santander when we want to go is about �770, Plymouth to Roscoff about �370). Is it worth losing a day or so of holiday and all the petrol, overnight stays en route (at least one, I should think).

Who to start for Fantasy Football?

I need to pick three out of these four. Ahmad Bradshaw, Percy Harvin, Bernard Berrian, or Randy Moss. Bradshaw is going against the Raider's D, Percy Harvin got less points than Berrain last week but has been consistant through the season and is going against the Ram's D. Berrian had a breakout game with Farve last week, and against SL D, if Farve and Berrian have the chemistry they did last week, it seems like it would be good to keep Berrian in. Randy Moss seems like a no brainer, but the Broncos D has been great this season, and with Champ Bailey back, should I start him?

Are sunnis n shi'tes allowed 2 get married together?

Forget about sunni and shia people!!!! If you believe in Allah and the Messenger then you are a Muslim. The rest, let Allah be the only judge!

Ok need advice my bff likes this guy but?

ok i got a hugh crush on my bff,and she know how i feel about her,but she always be around some guy all the time and talking to him and hugging him and horsing around and what not,she really likes this guy.but the problem is the guy has a gf and he is playful with all the girls.i just dont want her to be used in his game what should i do

Pros and cons of getting another guinea pig?

I agree with the person above me. Since yours aren't very close, I don't think adding a new one to the bunch would be a very good idea. It's a possibility that maybe they would get along, but it's also a good possibility that they won't. They actually may hurt the new one because it'd probably be very small. So I would stick with the two you already have. Maybe if they start getting along you may want to consider it, but not right now! Hope I helped!(:

(If you feel Experienced)Does this sound like a good choice of fish for my aquarium?(please answer :D)?

Be careful paring gouramis. You'll want one male and one female if you choose to have two. I've had two males in a 29 gallon aquarium before, and it's not TERRIBLE. However, they will spar often and if they do not have adequate space to claim, they will not be happy fish. Also, on the low sided estimate, you're looking at 14 fish in a 30 gallon. (I realize some of them are smaller breeds...) Be careful with over-crowding. Fish can become agitated if they don't have enough room, leaving them open to disease, not too mention it will require alot more maintenance to keep clean.

What mid-size SUV can you put over 150,000-200,000 miles on with limited issues?

My 15 year old is planning for his first car, with a limited budget. We hear Jeep Cherokee, Isuzu Troopers.

In NJ, should I go to court for 2 traffic violations (4 pts) and plead guilty?

I got two tickets for careless driving & improper lane change, it was rainy, dark & I was in an area I had no idea where I was so I saw a uturn and quickly turned to make the exit. Of course there was a cop there, right? So I got 2 tickets which are both 4 points. I guess technically I'm guilty, so should I go to court and try to bargain or should I just take the hit? When I asked the cop if I'll get points he said something about going to court & they'll lower the charges. Any tips? Can you even go to court to plead guilty without the apperance being mandatory?

Has any one had any experience in boxing with braces?

I have braces and am starting boxing i was wondering if theyll get mest up when im in a match has anyone done boxing with braces im just wondering if theyll break or watever if i get hit in the face with a mouthpiece

My eyes are yellow colored?

I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror and my eyes had sort of a yellowish tint to them. Not the iris but like the whites of the eyes. Is it some sort of dietary thing? Like am I eating too much of some particular nutrient or something? It's probably nothing but it's kind of strange. Also I was for some reason extra tired really nauseous and achy. I took some Tylenols for the aches but does anybody have any idea why my eyes would look like that?

Whats the best way to get rid of spiders in the house?

i seem to be getting lots of spiders in the house, been hoovering about 4-5 a day up the hoover, then i feel guilty afterwards , is there a more humane way of getting rid of them

What should I do in Bangkok?

I am planning on visiting Bangkok for about 9 days at the end of September. What should I do? What should I see? Where should I stay? Where else in Thailand or the surrounding area should I go?

Do you know other products placements in "The bourne Ultimatum" aside from the ones in the below list?

what gun did he use? cuz whatever company made that model probably put in a few hundred dollars to make sure Gun collectors will buy their guns

Why is damp air a better conductor?

whilst pure water is a poor electrical conductor - the atmospheric moisture mixes with dust and other pollutants in the air to make it a reasonable conductor. this means that damp air will conduct when the voltage reaches a relatively low level . Dry air the breakdown voltage is around 100kv per cm whereas in high humidity this can be 10kv per cm.

Have u ever thought about suicide?

Okay, I have just thought about what life would be like if I did so yes..I have. My life is full of so many blessing and God given talents that I could never just throw away weverything. I love God and he loves me. Young teens need to realize they have futures..as bad as it may seem. It is very true and the rates are over bearing. We need to make sure kids dont throw there lives away. I got very mad at my family once and thought about using a shot gun..but how stupid would it be to kill yourself! Everyone...has potential!!!! Hope this answers your question ♥ Me~

What Chicago Bears Jersey should I get?

I'm thinking about getting a Bears jersey but im not sure who to get. I'm debating between Devin Hester, Brian Urlacher, Julius Peppers, or Jay Cutler. Who do you think I should get and why? Thanks!

Kinda stuck in a bad situation. Can anyone help? (SI)?

I think everyone is worth being saved. I think this is tough because she apparently loves you for you to be able to call her when your feeling that way.. But she can't be beating herself up when shes missing phone calls because you both have to live your life. Have you thought about going to get help?

I need someone gay/bi for my problem.. its quite long but interesting, thanks?

I don't see the big deal in adding him, you go to the same church, you have mutual friends, it shouldn't be awkward for you to add him as a friend. It would only be weird if you found this person out of no where. The obsession that you have with him however is a little odd, facebook isn't real life so don't take things that happen on it so seriously.

Is lotto powerball playing is haram?


I am dyeing my hair for the first time next week, do all hair dyes come with an allergy tester thing?

i am only getting a semi permanent dye, so will it come with something to test for allergies? because i dont want to just risk it ! thanks X

Okay..I was just wondering if somebody tried loreal's hip duo illuminating eyeshadow?

I have never tried loreal's hip duo eye shadows before..Just thinking to buy something new this time..I heard loreal's hip duo in sy works really great for eyes.How many of you have actually tried loreal's hip duo illuminating eyeshadow before and how about the results..Can you please tell me its price in New Zealand dollars I will be really thankful..Any other recommended economical choices???

Is the book " World of Warcraft The Shattering " part of a series?

A new World of Warcraft book came out about a mounth or so ago called "The shattering" by christie Golden and it said it was the prelude to the new game cataclysm. I dont really get into that kind of thing or have read those books in the past so i dont really know about them, but what my question is, is this book part of a series or is it just an independant book not coiated with a series or anything?

The gas formed in the test tube by the reaction of hydrochloric acid with sodium sulfate was sulfur dioxide?

, So subscript 2.. The other products were water and NaCl(aq). I need to write a balanced equation for this reaction.. but i dont know how.. any help? thanks

How would I go about working for 12 months in the USA as an 18 year old student from the UK?

They wouldnt be able to get you a visa. The department of Labor would have to say the skills were in short supply.

Where is Ho Chi Minh Judicial Division?

I want to know Mrs. Thian Nguyen and Mr. Hon David E Binh, who are working in this Division? What is their position in this Division?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

When does MCR's next CD come out.."the black parade is dead"?

The black parade is dead i think is gonna come out soon hopefully it is april ahhh so excited except i got no money :( I love watching live videos :)

Do you see the stock of Sirius Satellite Radio rising with potential XM merger?

With XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio possibly merging, do u see a rise of their stock? Let me know your opinions. Im looking to throw a couple hundred dollars into the stock market to possibly make some money and looking for ideas. Sirius currently at $2.80 a share. Let me know what u think. Thanks!

Supernatural: Ruined! Why Dean dead?

I don't even wanna watch season 4! Why kill one of the 2 main characters?! Dean and Sam ARE Supernatural!!! It has ruined the whole show for me. Plus why are there only 16 episodes? Writers crappy boo hoo we don't get pain enough-strike?

Bridal Shower and gifts?

can't do that. if you don't register for gifts, people will give you cash. that's how it works. but people don't bring cash to a shower because they expect you to open the gift in front of everyone. so if you don't want gifts, you don't get a shower.

Can anyone tell me the REAL names for these Twilight songs and who they're by?

I've been looking FOREVER to find out the REAL names for Edward's Lullaby, Renesmee's Lullaby, Esme's Favorite, and Bella's Lullaby. Im pretty sure Yiruma did them all, but what are the titles SHE named them as? In my searches, they pop up as River Flows in You, The Meadow.. things like that. I hope this makes sense! Please just help me match up the titles.

What Do You Think Of Joey Styles.?

The Voice of ECW. An Announcer who actually knew the proper names for wrestling holds and wrestling moves created in Europe, Mexico and Japan. An Announcer who knew how to set the mood and tell the story of the match. WWE should definitely put him into the both the WWE Hall of Fame and THe Professional Wreslting Wing of The Wrestling Hall of Fame.

Hardy weinburg 1 question?

Hardy weinburg equation is p^2+2pq+q^2=1, and also p+q=1. So zygous recessive phenotype aa is represented by q^2. Take the square root of .27 (approximately .519). This is the frequency of allele a. To get allele A, subtract this from one and you get roughly .481, or 48.1%. Double check with a real calculator to be sure

Is is possible to customize what is printed on fleece fabric?

Basically I want to make a fleece tie blanket for someone but really do not want to use the kittens and car fabric they have for little kids...I think it would be sick to have their favorite lyrics and such on the fabric but not embroidered is it even possible?? thanks :)

Plz help. 10 points, Engine Help. Honda?

Ok i was wondering what my car motor is cause im a bit lost with it. i have a 1988 Honda prelude, 2.0 litre Si 4ws 3rd gen, thats what i know. i want to know what motor it has, like a b20a??? whaever type it is, lol... if that helps. if u need more details ask, and i will add it on. thanx heaps. i will give best answers... for the actual best answer, not the first good answer. thanx

Is/was there a show or movie where a character had the same or similar name as you?

its not my name, but if you have ever seen the movie monsters inc, i have a friend in real life named mike osowski!:))

A year after being left I still feel sad most days and self-esteem is still low. How to move forward?

What you experienced certainly was devastating, but if you feel like you have not been able to move on with your life, you should seek counselling and a possible diagnosis for depression. I know you invested ten years into this relationship, but now you know what kind of person your ex is and I hope you know you deserve better than someone like him.

Boy trouble...?

There's this guy I really, really, really like. He stares at me all the time at school. I gave him skittles the other day for a good game, and he said" Wow! Thanks! I really like this!" Does he probably like me? If I give him more candy for good games will he like me more?

How can i put my hair up into a flo-hawk?

i have hair that goes down to mid back. Im trying to find a way to pin it up like a mo-hawk but i don't know how..

What types of work vehicles require commercial license plates in tennessee?

I was recently pulled over by a state trooper while I was out working. I haul a floor machine in my truck bed that may weigh a few hundred pounds. I would basically equate it to someone hauling a push mower as far as dimensions. He gave me a warning for my speed and told me I needed to get a commercial tag for my Toyota Tacoma since I was hauling the machine. I'm just curious if this is an actual law. I have been doing this type of work for probably 6 years and have been pulled over before and never heard any mention of my tags. Any advice would be great. thanks!

Rate my essay? is it grammartically correct?

I liked it. OK, "grammartically" isn't a word, so you get a for that. Two tiny errors which I detect, one "...city, leaving its residents...' needs to be the possessive its' with the apostrophe...even the nazi didn't note that one. And, ho-hum, yes it's wear, not ware. btw, I like 'jostling', because, dammit, they DO try to hit each other! And they DO get physical inside! So there! Oh, and you may have intended 'a', but typically the role of a fashion maven is to keep others 'ahead' of the latest trends...a would be to keep them along side...while not following, not in the lead either. Hope you enjoyed your (s).

Whats with this world?

i was very sadden when i herd about people saying horrible racial comments, just because Obama made president. when i watch white people vote for a man that can destroy the very world they live in just because they don't want to vote for a black man makes me feel so hurt inside. the evil in the world makes me want to never being children into this corrupt world. the horrors of man kind is unmeasurable, and unbelievable. when sad things like this happen and millions of people are with each other as if they are right to hate black people makes me want to kill myself. not because i am black but because i believe we are all human and we can stand together forever. i believe that humans don't have to be this way and that life can get better no matter what. but when i step out of my dream i see nothing but evil. every where and this saddens me more then anything has ever saddened me before. i am not very religious but i know this is not what God is for and those racist people call them selves Christan's. why can't people stop this madness this evil. i can't stand this and i will never bring a child into this hell!!!! this place is nothing but hell!!! it doesn't matter if you have a good day, it doesn't matter about your very first kiss, it doesn't matter how beautiful your Christmas was...because in the end all there is, is evil and it will continue to be forever.

How is providing high end escort services more degrading to a womans body than gold digging.?

It is not so much more degrading to a woman's body as it is to her mentally, and spiritually. Who said either is acceptable? Only men find it acceptable, I don't know any decent woman who finds any of it acceptable. No, no one believes she is attracted to anything but his big, fat wallet.

Proactiv refining mask?

Will it still work as a spot treatment if I don't use it with the rest of the Proactiv system? Thanks

Laying ceramic tile?

we have laid ceramic tile - when we grouted we wiped, (and wiped and wiped it). It now has a haze on it and I have continued wiping and moping it, but there is still a powdery haze. What do I do? Just continue cleaning it ? Do I use something other than plain water?

What is you favorite clic book that u have read? and why?

TARZAN, Edgar Rice Borroughs. The original version. It was very realistic and exciting to read. And I was already an adult.

Can anything prevent painfull in pregnancy?

i'm 8 weeks pregnant and am in agony with my !its keeping me awake at night,is there anything at all i can do to stop it?even a little bit?!

Monitor color problem? plz plz hlp!?

Yesterday I sent my LG CRT monitor (Came with MG MyPC Computer) to a service shop for changing damaged (cut by Rats) signal cable. During coming to home monitor suddenly fell down on road. now, the problem is that it is showing incorrect colors (colored spots) on screen. what may be problem? Is this damage due to fall-down OR did the repair-man messed up (changed something inside) with it? How much will it cost to repair this problem? Is picture-tube damaged OR something else. plz hlp.

Should I worry about Greg Jennings this week?

I know thats a stupid question I mean goin against STL this week he should do great but then again he had no catches in Cincy and It seems like since Driver is only 9 receptions behind the leader for all time receps. in GB he will be targeted more this week to try and get him there and I am a green bay fan and I have my faith trust me but im just lookin for some adivce...

MJ songs to sing???????

Can anyone think of a good Michael Jackson song that's not too hard for a girl to sing? I really wnat to sing one for a school concert, but most have a really hard pitch!

Where is the weirdest place to meet a great friend that ends up being your best friend?

Mine waz having in the public library and this guy walkin in on me and my ex. No me and that gy are the best of friends. We sit back and laugh it off when we first meet.

Anyone know a good theme for a yearbook?

It's the 10th year our school has been open, and we want it to have something to do with "decade" or "ten" or something like that. Any ideas? Oh, and our school's mascot is a Patriot, seeing as we're the Liberty Patriots. So tell me what you think...

The perfect team?

who would be on your perfect team mine would be the dallas offencive line brady and favre at qb i would take Lt for running back and for wr"s moss t.o chad johnson and jennings t.e shockey(before he broke his leg) also back up running back peterson(the vikings one)

Do u know a place near or around oakland where i can take kung fu?

im looking for a place in the bay area preferably oakland or berkly where i can take kung fu karate or kajukempo. i already know about the wing chun acadamy on berkly and the shaolin kungfu gym in china town and i want to know if theres any other places thx

How was the coutry Colombia culture influenced by africa in any area?

All I have found was that it was just that in music, that in the Pacific Coast was influenced by Africans but I need more information for this. Any aspect of their culture will help.

Which of the following shows how information is transformed to make a protein?

A, but the central dogma is old. it ignores epigenetic controls and viruses and RNA ability of being endproduct enzymes that have clear functions and protein making proteins(prions)

HELP!!!!! Music composing software?

Hey guyz can u plz let me know if u have any idea of any music composing software(freeware preferred).Something that can be used to create beats, riffs that can be used by a amateur rapper or music maker.

Remember the Tag-Team?

Probably not because Booker Huffman doesn't have any teeth left by now and Goldust is not gay in TNA..

Who is the iest Cheetah Girl?

I'd say Raven Symone, but Sabrina Bryan is real close n the other 2 are cute also. What's your opinions on this?

Help me install webcam - i.t.works model num:PCW02 i dont have a cd to install ?

Go to their website and see if they have the download or go to the place you bought it from and ring them or go to the manufacture customer service telephone....easy

Do you believe in the works of Edgar Casey? The famous psychic.?

yes his sight is in Virginia beach .there is mail that goes out to you from Virginia beach .i had it long time ago there are a lot of his stuff in the library also/// and related psychic's from that sight and books etc

Texans; Who are the pro-life and equality candidates for 2010 elections?

I'm in congressional district 19,city of Lubbock and these are the only two issues my wife and I care about care about for this election. Any links and information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Can you describe the sound a Zebra Finch makes?

The most common sound they make is a "beep-beep". Zebra finches remind me of little squeak toys. No two zebra finches sound exactly the same. They vary their beeps so you can identify them. When they are excited or , they start making a high-pitched buzzing sound. Zebra finches enjoy hearing cellphones, microwaves, and any other type of beeping noise. My zebra finches start singing when they hear these noises.

Who rules in a communist governement?

In practice, the communist party of the country in question is typically in charge. However, theoretically, the workers are the ones that are supposed to control the means of production, and are therefore in charge.

Why do Christian believe in Jesus P-B-U-H as god when he himself in the Bible never claimed divinity?

Why do Muslims continually try to their "me too" prophet more important than Jesus? We understand what our Bible says.

Ok i need some new skating tricks?

try a bigspin (fakie is easiest way), heelflip, since you can get a kickflip and varial try a change or varial change, half-cab, 50-50, 5-0. Just search the internet for other tricks. www.bobstricktips.com isn usefull.

What the hell was that dream(nightmare)..what was that supposed to mean?

wow that was a cool dream. i once dreamed i was running up a mountain dodging lighting bolts and monsters of all sorts. i think i was some-sort of a god or something in my dream. i got so scared i woke up in a cold sweat looked outside and there was a huge lighting storm. weird to say the least. but in the long run it didn't mean anything as far as i know just a weird dream. i used to take a pretty powerful prescription drug for a back injury that is noted to give you very vivid dreams. so i can tell you i had my share of freakish dreams. now i refuse to take that medicine much to my doctors disapproval. i rather have a sore back than wrestle with evil spirits while i sleep. but with that being said dreams in my opinion are just dreams. i have heard of people that have dreams then they come true and if you ever had day va Ju (sorry don't know how to spell that word but i am sure you know what i mean by it) then you may have experienced one. i think you just had a weird dream that's all. thank you for sharing your dream it was definitely a weird one that's for sure.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I need some help on my World Geography homework!?

Haha you took world geography. I took it last semester and hated it. I was so lucky to p it. Good luck cuz I didn't get it at all maybe because every time I turned around we had to do a test.

Fantasy Smackdown: Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit?

Benoit hits the rolling German Suplexes, and goes tot he top rope for the flying head. Hart moves, and Benoit's head bounces off of the mat. Benoit won't tap out to the sharpshooter, so Bret holds it on him until he eventually pes out.

What if I bet on every baseball game...?

OK I'm sure somebody has this statistic. If you were to bet on the favorite for every game of the year, would you end up making money? This may vary from year to year but what have the past years shown?

John McCain's nickname is "The Maverick." I must have missed it but what is Barack Obama's?

Dunno, but he is good buddies with Kwame Kilpatrick and around here Kwame's called a Thug, a Criminal, a Gangster, and a Liar.

Nvidia 8800 GTS?

I have a Dell XPS GEN 5 Specs: 3.4 GHZ P4 HT, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, 250GB HD,Double Layer DVD Burner, DVD Drive, Front Bay media card reader, Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS, nvidia 256mb 6800 GTOC, power supply 460 watts, I was looking into getting a nvidia 8800 gts 640mb or the 320mb, since Dell has its own parts and what not which we all know is hard to upgrade anything major on it, my question is will this pc be able to handle the video card, im also going to be getting 3gb ddr2 ram, please respectful opinions thanks again

If Darren's brain is like that of most people?

Along with left- or right-handedness, the hemisphere of the brain where language capacity resides is likely predetermined. Researchers have now shown that with age, language capacity in the brain becomes more evenly distributed between hemispheres.However if Darren is an adult then like most nearly all adults, the language center of the brain resides in the left hemisphere. Being left or right brained does not determine what part of your brain controls language.

Who should I start at the Flex in week 3? Please look!?

LeSean McCoy is an interesting pick this week. Brian Westbrook seems a bit more banged up than usual and they are up against the Chiefs. If they decide to sit Westbrook to allow him to heal up another week and give LeSean full duty, he could have a big day.

Could an asteroid collision change the earth's orbit and make it fall towards or away from the sun?

How large would an asteroid need to be in order to change the earth's orbit around the sun? or how much force would need to be exerted on the earth so that it would be attracted to the sun or pushed out of its orbit and into space? Just like in a billiards game, if the earth (a ball in motion) would be hit by a smaller yet significant in size object (e.g. a marble in motion), would the trajectory of the earth be modified? Have any asteroids that have hit the earth so far (e.g. the one that is believed to have made dinosaurs go extinct) modified the earth's trajectory around the sun?

Can I still do well on the SAT?

Gahhh, I'm so nervous. I'm going to be a senior this year, taking the SAT in October. Yeah, I know, I'm kicking myself for not doing it junior year. I took the PSAT last year, and I got a 165 on it (so it'd be like 1650 on the regular SAT), but I honestly didn't study. I think I looked at the practice book for about 15 minutes. I think that I could've done better, but I ended up leaving a lot of answers blank because I was short on time (my fault for not practicing). Based on that, do you think that I have a good chance of scoring 2000 or higher on my October SAT? I plan on getting an SAT prep book ASAP and studying, I'm just nervous. :/

I was renting and my landlord had prop foreclosed and wont return 2000.00 dep.?

I had a 2 year lease with option to purchaseat they end I didnt want to have to move again since I have 4 children which is why I took the option. I paid every month timly for 1 year and the property was foreclosed on because the land lord didnt make the payments I want to sue the landlord for damages and expenses for having to move & my deposit, any body have a good opinion on this

How can i make decent flash animations without burning more than 300 dollars?

okay schools over, and i am probley gonna die of boredom if i dont have somthing to do, and i have been interested in making computer animations and flash is as as i now the best program for doing so. but im no richie rich so i cant be spending 500 dollars just so i can make some half *** animations. HELP!!

How far is bangkok too phi phi island and how would you get there!?

About 950 km from Bangkok To either Phuket or Krabi a little longer going to Krabi but the road is better so about the same time, 10 to 12 hours depending on the bus company. Recommend if going by bus you go to the Southern Bus Terminal and take a VIP 24 or 32 seat bus. Cost about 900 to 1,000 baht depending on the bus. You take a night bus and arrive in the morning. Going by air is better a little over an hour flight. Bangkok Airways, Thai Air and Air Asia all fly to either Phuket or Krabi. Check the website for each airlines for best fare, with Air Asia being the discount airlines. When you get to Phuket or Krabi your see signs for transportation to the pier for Phi Phi Island just get on a boat for the trip about 1 to 1 and half hour trip. Krabi being a little closer then from Phuket.

Is it weird I want to sleep with someone?

that is very typical and a acceptable want. 17 is old enough for most people to know what they want at any given moment. just later they may look back on it as a mistake in some cases

Can you counter this article about Iran?

If that crazy were able to set off a single nuclear explosion in the United States, I don't think his country or he would be around long enough to see the full effects and certainly not the apocalypse. His whole country would be turned to gl. And most of the people of the world would not shed a tear for his departure from this world. Thanks and have a nice day.